Author: Scott Gunn

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Doing the dishes so we can spread the Gospel

We don’t spend enough time making the main thing the main thing at General Convention. But for 90 minutes early one morning, deputies and bishops gathered to talk about church vitality. Here’s a report from the committee who hosted the conversation.


Breaking news! The latest resolutions!

A few days ago, I had blogged all 291 resolutions for the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church. But your intrepid Resolutionpalooza writer has been keeping an eye on the virtual binder, and...

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Later resolutions: sweeping up

Resolutionpalooza has blogged 260 resolutions before this post. That net caught all the resolutions that were available as of a few days ago. Since then, there are a few new ones. So this post will sweep up the newest resolutions heading to various committees.

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Committees 20, 21, and 23: Sundries

It’s time for three committees in one post! Committee 20: Confirmation of the election of the Presiding Bishop, Committee 21: Dispatch of Business, and Committee 23: Privilege and Courtesy. Relax, it’s just six resolutions.

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Committee 2: Constitution & canons

Resolutionpalooza continues with a deep dive into serious church geekery, this time with a look at proposed changes to the Episcopal Church’s constitution and canons. Many of these changes are simple cleanup, but some have huge potential to change our church — for better or worse, depending on your perspective.

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Committee 1: Rules of Order

The sanctum sanctorum for church nerds: the committee on rules of order. We will look at proposed changes for both the joint rules (for bishops and deputies), as well as those for the House of Deputies. If you’re a bishop or deputy, pay attention. If not, perhaps move along.

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Committee 19: Title III ministry

Today’s theme in Resolutionpalooza is Title III, the ministry canons of the Episcopal Church. There are no proposals here about the baptismal ministry of all Christians, just some (important) stuff on religious folk and clergy.

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Committee 16: Safety, wellness & mental health

Resolutionpalooza continues today with a look at all the resolutions heading to committee 16 on safety, wellness, and mental health. The name of this committee causes me to want to write a resolution making it a Title IV offense to omit the Oxford comma, but I digress.