Author: Scott Gunn

colorful church with RESOLUTIONPALOOZA written below 5


The introduction to RESOLUTIONPALOOZA, a blogging tour of resolutions to be considered by the Episcopal Church’s General Convention this June. I urge us to keep our eye on the main thing: making disciples of Jesus Christ.


Defined by grace and mercy

A sermon for Easter Day from Christ Church, Glendale, OH. “My friends in Christ, our world is defined by grace and mercy. That is the Good News of this Easter Day.”

Eating the Word of God

A meditation on the collect for Proper 28, which sets before us the purpose and beauty of scripture. This reflection is from a set of meditations I gave at a retreat at Calvary, Pittsburgh some years ago.

Lessons from a crisis

Reflecting on my health crisis of last summer, I realized I learned quite a few practical lessons. In case it’s helpful to others, I’ve shared a bit of my story and lessons learned.

Of preservation and blessings

Every day I pray the General Thanksgiving twice, once each at morning prayer and evening prayer. Very recently, I’ve been praying one line with particular fervor: “We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life…”

Book Cover Easter Triumph Easter Joy

Easter joy…in Lent?

Today is the official launch day for my latest book, Easter Triumph, Easter Joy: Meditations for the Fifty Days of Eastertide. As the title suggests, it’s a set of meditations for the full Easter season in which I explore the hope that comes to us in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The Epiphany Proclamation 2022

In an annual tradition, here is the customary Epiphany Proclamation of liturgical feast days, to be read out at services on the Feast of the Epiphany and shared with the faithful.