
Article XXVII: Of Baptism

This post is part of a Lenten series on the 39 Articles. Article XXVII: Of Baptism Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christian men are discerned from...

Article XXV: Of the sacraments

This post is part of a Lenten series on the 39 Articles. Article XXV: Of the sacraments Sacraments ordained of Christ be not only badges or tokens of Christian men’s profession, but rather they...

Article XXII: Of purgatory

This post is part of a Lenten series on the 39 Articles. Article XXII: Of purgatory The Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons, worshipping and adoration as well of Images as of Relics, and also...

Article XIX: Of the Church

This post is part of a Lenten series on the 39 Articles. Article XIX: Of the Church The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure word...

Article XVII: Of predestination and election

This post is part of a Lenten series on the 39 Articles. Article XVII: Of predestination and election. Predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God, whereby, before the foundations of the world...