EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Color of the next Episcopal Church Blue Book revealed!

6 Responses

  1. Katrina Soto says:

    Your comments on the Blue Book are appreciated. And why have a cover color for a book that is not a book?

  2. I would have expected you to influence it to Lenten purple. Or FMP logo blue

    Just saying.

  3. Helen Spence says:

    I do hope you will blog about the contents of the Blue Book, Scott. Your perspective is useful to all of us.

  4. lafftur says:

    I agree with Helen. As a delegate, I love your analysis and commentary.

    Also, may I ask your prayers for the Dioceses of Western Michigan and Eastern Michigan as we have just passed a vote for juncture, that will come up at GC81…gosh, we need a Bishop Diocesan!

  5. Marybeth says:

    I like The Book of Common Prayer is cornflower blue!

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