Committee 13: Stewardship & socially responsible investing

2 Responses

  1. John Miller says:

    Something to consider about the Fossil Fuel industry from someone on the inside. 1) 80% of domestic oil production is done by privately held companies (my company is still held 100% by the children of its founder for example). It is a very boom and bust business and unless you are at the very top, it is not the kind of thing markets are good at funding. 2) The amount of crude oil pumped out of the ground *always* matches the amount used. The oil market is very efficient and price sensitive. Storing the stuff is nasty business and expensive. Therefore, the absolute best way to ensure less oil is pumped is to stop burning it.

    To that end, I suggest that A029 be amended to add companies like Ford, GM, Stellantis, Boeing, Airbus; companies engaged in the manufacture of the products that create the demand for fossil fuels are far more connected to the rate of oil production than are the companies that produce it.

    A second action that would also have far more impact than selling off a microscopic percentage of Major oil companies would be to invest the funds in green technology start-ups. Shell will not even notice that TEC left the market, but a wind, solar, or grid storage company could secure a first round of funding with the amounts TEC has to invest.

  2. DOnald says:

    Thank you for your informed, helpful perspective.
    Donald (Not a General Convention Deputy)

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