Committee 12: Agencies & boards

2 Responses

  1. Geoff M. says:

    Just to be clear, do you mean there are dioceses in the Episcopal Church where deacons are prohibited from holding church employment? In Canada, all deacons are unpaid qua deacons but there’s no way to prevent anyone from hiring one as a diocesan/national church staff member, seminary administrator/faculty member, parish music director, or what have you. (I suppose a bishop could try to require a deacon not to accept a certain day job, but I’m not sure it would fly as a “lawful admonition”).

    • Scott Gunn says:

      My understanding (could be wrong) is that some bishops have said that deacons cannot be paid for work in the church. But, again, this is my possibly flawed understanding. Bishops say all sorts of things, so one should not be surprised at what one hears them say!

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